Hope Movement Launches You Are Not Alone

[Little Rock, AR June 19, 2023] Last Thursday, Hope Movement officially launched You Are Not Alone, a new program that offers a specialized support system for families who have lost a loved one to overdose. The project is funded with opioid settlement dollars through the Arkansas Opioid Recovery Partnership.

Hope Movement Founder Staci James speaks at the Hope Movement You Are Not Alone Launch Event.
Hope Movement Founder Staci James speaks at the Hope Movement You Are Not Alone Launch Event.

Losing a loved one to fentanyl poisoning, says James, is a different experience than losing a loved one to disease or a natural disaster. With overdose, there is stigma that isolates families from seeking help. James created You Are Not Alone to bring families out of isolation and into community.

A full crowd watches the Hope Movement program.
Many members of Hope Movement Coalition were in the audience, supporting James and the Hope Movement Team.

The program offers several key services. Families can enroll in an 8-week grief course tailored to overdose loss, attend a 3-day grief retreat designed around empowerment, and attend monthly support meetings with others who have lost a loved one to overdose.

Two women stand together to the side of the stage.
Hope Movement Case Managers, pictured above, will determine families’ needs and link them with care.

The program offers key legal and financial services as well, including grandparent assistance for grandparents who will take guardianship of their grandchildren, funeral assistance for those struggling to pay for their loved one’s funeral, assistance in finding a counselor trained in grief and PTSD, and financial support for taking additional time off of work.

Creighton Drury, CEO of Partnership to End Addiction, speaks at the event.
Creighton Drury, CEO of Partnership to End Addiction, speaks at the event.

Finally, the program follows the state peer modeling, pairing new clients with peers who have gone through the same experience.

Kirk Lane, Director of ARORP, speaks at the Hope Movement Launch.
Kirk Lane, Director of ARORP, speaks at the Hope Movement Launch.

See more photos from the event below.

Hope Movement Banners are pictured, which have a collage of families which include photos of lost loved ones.
Hope Movement Banners include photos of families with their angels.
Four women wearing purple embrace onstage under the Hope Movement logo.
The Hope Movement Team stands together in from of the Hope Movement logo.
Justin Buck, CEO of Wolfe Street Foundation, stands with Arkansas State Drug Director Tom Fisher.
Justin Buck, CEO of Wolfe Street Foundation, stands with Arkansas State Drug Director Tom Fisher.


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